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A black protestor statue replaces the slave dealer in England

British sources expected that a statue held by activists from the "Black Life Mission" movement would be removed from their activist colleague Jane Reed, who replaced the statue of slave merchant Edward Coulston in Bristol.

The statue of the slave merchant Colston, who had been holding in Bristol since 1895, on June 7, 2020, was dropped as part of protests in Britain against racism against the background of the killing of American citizen George Floyd by the police in Minneapolis in May. two weeks ago.

A group of artist Mark Quinn, based in London, erected a statue of Jane Reed, a woman best known for her portrait of her standing on a rock with a fist.

Reid in front of her statue (Sky News)

(The Guardian) newspaper said that two trucks arrived at five o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, and a group of 10 people installed the statue of the Red figure, without the knowledge of Bristol City Council, then put up a sign saying "black life is still important" at the bottom of the monument.

The statue depicts the moment when protester Jane Reed stood on the empty base during a black life march after the fall of Colston, pulled him to the city's harbor and dumped him in the water.

Ms. Reid said the new statue was "stunning" and "something to be proud of." However, Bristol City Mayor Marvin Reese suggested that the statue would be dropped while awaiting democratic consultations in this regard. Reiss said: "The sculpture that was installed today is the work and decision of an artist residing in London. It was not requested and permission to install it has not been granted." He added: "The future of the statue must be decided by the people of Bristol" and that any new statue should "tell us our full history."

For his part, artist Mark Quinn said on (Instagram) with a photo of his new artwork: "Jane Reed and I unveiled a contemporary work for the public show titled (Rise of Power: Jane Reed 2020) on the empty Edward Coulston statue platform in Bristol, England."

Cowen added that safety and health checks and checks were performed and that the installation had become "very difficult to transport." Activist Reid, who was photographed standing in front of the statue with a fist in the air after being installed, said she hoped the municipal council would change its mind.
