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A surprise revealed by the court ... Johnny Depp objected to the presentation of Amber Hurd nude scenes

Court sessions in London witnessed the case of Johnny Depp and his wife Amber Hurd exposed new secrets about their lives together. Seriously as an actress.

Johnny added that he was not comfortable with the idea of ​​presenting nude scenes and he encouraged her not to take nude scenes because he believed that she would help her be taken seriously as an actress.

He explained that Amber herself was not comfortable with being limited to that type of business and that it was not suitable for others and that she was hoping to present real serious business.

In response to the fact that he was interfering with the clothes Amber wore, Johnny said that he never controlled her clothes, but he expressed his opinion about what she wears if what she wears contradicts her desire to present himself as a real actress and in the fact that her clothes were not to help her with what she hoped for Her career as an actress.

According to what was published in the domestic violence case brought by international actress Amber Hurd to her ex-husband, international star Johnny Depp, there is a greater possibility that Amber's allegations are just a lie, as Johnny Depp denied all the allegations made to him by Amber in the London court, including Claiming that he hit him.

To complement Johnny Depp's testimony, former star fiancée puts Amberhead in front of the cannon, where former Deep's fiancée and Winona Ryder is scheduled to tell the court via a video link later this week that he has never been abusive or violent with her, and this may deny Umber Hurd's allegations, He is next to Johnny Depp.
