القائمة الرئيسية


أخبار عاجلة

Are Muslims really terrorists?

It is quite natural that when you see the 9/11 incidents, Charlie Hebdo and terrorist organizations such as calling to accuse Muslims of terrorism ...

But when we see players such as Salah, Lukaku, Ribery, Hazard, Dembele, Pogba, Abidal and other Muslims, and also to know that more than quarter of the  world is Muslim, is it conceivable that all of them are terrorists ?!

So we have to ask this question again ... Are Muslims really terrorists ?!

To answer this question dear reader should look at the subject with all transparency and integrity and to move away from emotion (which is blind sometimes) and more logical.

First, As a looker at what Islam contains from different teachings and an examination of the basic legislative sources of Muslims. I concluded the following:

The two main sources of legislation on which the vast majority of Muslims are based are the Qur'an and Sunnah.

But what I found strange in my scrutiny is that these two sources do not correspond to each other in many basic teachings such as freedom, justice, etc.

Muslims claim that the Qur'an  is not in any error and that it came from God and then Jibril and then Mohammed and then transmitted large crowds of people, whether writing or remembering.
So they say it is wrong and can not be forged.

The Sunnah is less important than the Qur'an. It is all that Muhammad has said and decreed but that people may pass on individually, but not like the Qur'an.
I think that this year is the main reason why some Muslims do terrorist acts and what they think of some illogical beliefs.

It  contains a lot of distortion (and many Muslims know that but they do not stop taking legislation from them) and it depicts some of the sadistic values ​​and depicts the God himself irrationally.

One of the contradictions between the Qur'an and the Sunnah is that the Qur'an says that all people have the freedom to choose their religion and we should never force one to enter Islam or change their religion. The Sunnah says that whoever enters Islam then retracts it. One example I have suggested to you, but I can give you several other examples of this contradiction but we can not do this in such a small article.

Now what is more important: with all that many Muslims think of these irrational beliefs, they do not implement them (except ISIS) but can not do so realistically.
Some of them think about doing this, but when he tries to apply it he finds it irrational and brutal and then retracts it.

Now, if we examine the Holy Quran, to be fair, you will find realistic and logical teachings that are completely free of those barbarous teachings and some scientific predictions that are discovered from time to time as they tell.

The question is: Why does a quarter of the world hold such a religion and still believe in it to this age and above that is the fastest religion spreading in Europe and the world today according to statistics?

Not because they are less intelligent. "This is impossible, of course." First, what you should accept, dear reader, is that if you were born from a Muslim family, 99.999%, and perhaps even more, will remain a Muslim.

The reason is that their book contains what they call "scientific and historical miracles" that have been discovered throughout the ages to this age (which may be the reason for being the fastest-spreading religion).
The second reason is that many of them are fanatics of their religion (which reduces the rate of their leaving).

One of the reasons that some Muslims hate the West and Europe in this way is what some European countries have done to occupy their countries in the last century (they see that these countries have stolen the goods of their country). This is one of the main reasons in my view and the biggest proof is that they do not dislike China or Japan or the African countries that did not occupy their country and loot their goods ( as they believe).

So my summary is that if we want to speak out unfairly and say that the majority of Muslims or all of them are terrorists, we will consider more than a quarter of the world, perhaps a third of them, a terrorist. If this is true, the world we live in will not exist today. A terrorist by a Muslim and many wars that no one can control (but that does not exist).
Muslims - I believe - may be many of them a terrorist  by their ideas, but the majority of these great retreat from these ideas when trying to apply the reality.

The rest are rational intelligentsia who do not have any wild ideas, so we can not generalize.
And in the end dear reader when judging these people do not forget the rule: If you are in place will do the same. This may ease the unfair passions that dominate some people to judge them all as terrorists.

So write in the comments what you think about Muslims.

Read More: When will these few Muslims stop their terror??
