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Pompeo: China will inevitably pay for the pandemic

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that the world will make China "inevitably" pay the price of the outbreak of the new Corona virus.

In an interview with The Hill, he added that this price would be reflected in the "changing relations" with this country.

He continued: "You can see this clearly, when I visit anywhere or talk to any foreign minister, they are all aware of what China has caused the world."

And Pompeo added: "I am absolutely confident that the world will view China differently, and deal with it fundamentally differently from what was the case before this catastrophic pandemic."

The US administration has repeatedly accused China of lacking transparency in the Corona file, and Pompeo said earlier that "China would have been able to prevent the deaths of hundreds of thousands of lives around the world had it been more transparent about the virus."

Source: RT
