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New details about Emiliano Sala's death revealed by blood tests

New details about Emiliano Sala's death revealed by blood tests

Emiliano Sala's death
Emiliano Sala's death

Air accident investigators said that medical tests on blood of Argentine soccer player Emiliano Sala showed high levels of carbon monoxide.

Special reports from the British Air Accidents Investigation Branch said that toxin tests showed that the blood of the deceased player showed a saturation level of 58% carboxy hemoglobin, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hemoglobin.

According to doctors, exposure to carbon monoxide can lead to damage to the brain, heart, and nervous system, and a level above 50% is potentially fatal, causing epileptic seizures, loss of consciousness, or a heart attack.

The Sala family said that a detailed examination of the plane's debris was required to determine how the gas could leak into the cabin.

Sala, who died at the age of 28, was on his way from his former club, Nantes, in western France, to Wales to join the Cardiff city team, when the plane in which he was traveling disappeared in January 2019.

His body was recovered when the wreckage was discovered after about two weeks.

He got 99% of the votes .. Nantes fans choose Emiliano Sala in the decade team

Emiliano Sala death

The fans of the French club Nantes voted sweepingly in favor of the late Argentine striker Emiliano Sala, in a referendum held by the official website of the French club, to choose the team of the last decade.

Sala obtained 99% of the votes of the 5,000 voters, according to the official website, and the team included alongside him in the offensive line, Philip Djordevich, who received 93% of the votes.

Sala left tragically in January 2019, after he officially signed his transfer contracts from Nantes to the Welsh club Cardiff City, where a private plane carrying him to the Welsh lands crashed, and fell into the English Channel.

Investigations condemned the pilot, David Ibutson, whose body was not found, as the preliminary report indicated that he had lost control of the plane, due to the extra speed.

Sala, who passed away at the age of 28, played four seasons in the French Nantes jersey, during which he scored 48 goals in various competitions, and moved to Cardiff City in a record deal of 15 million pounds.
