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Will Smith's wife reveals, in a live broadcast, a relationship with Rapper after an ongoing marriage from 1997

Jada Pinkett Smith and her husband, global actor Will Smith, confirmed that their marriage was not over. She admitted to a relationship with singer Auguste Alsina when she broke up with Smith for a while.

Smith and his wife took the most searched name on the Google search engine, and on social media platforms. In a dialogue with the couple, on Friday, in the "Red Table Talk" program offered by Pinkett Smith on the Internet, she said that she would reluctantly discuss the comments of "Elsina" because of the speculation I raised it.

What started as a friendship and family effort to help Alsina about 4 years ago became "a different kind of engagement" when she and Smith believed their marriage had ended, Smith said. Relationship », calling on his wife to be more specific, during the frank debate on Facebook Watch.

Jada added that she met the young singer through their son Jadin and mentioned that the Louisiana-born singer who was 23 years old at the time said: “Really sick, and everything started with him just in need of some help, I wanted to help him because of his condition Mental.

"Yes, it was a relationship. I was feeling a lot of pain," said Pinkett Smith. I was very sad. Now, I fully realize that you cannot find happiness far from yourself ... I would certainly like that we did everything we could to get away from each other, but I realized that this was not possible. ”

For his part, Will Smith and his wife stressed: «We are in one boat. We die together. Bad marriage for life, ”referring to a famous phrase for Will Smith in" Bad Boys. "

Smith and Pinkett married in 1997 and have two children, Serious and Willow. Both of them seemed uncomfortable at times during the discussion on the program, and Pinkett Smith said: "The only person who can give permission in this particular circumstance is me."

On the other hand, Will Smith hired the movie star Emancipation, where Smith plays the role of Abdel-Harb from slavery on a 10-day trip through the Louisiana Swamps which is a true story of Abdel joined the Union Army and the title of the miserable owner of the back because of the signs of beating on the back.

The film will be directed by Antoine Fuqua and a script by William N. Collage will take part in the Cannes Film Festival virtual market and filming for the project is expected to start in 2021.
