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Corona .. America sets a new record and Italy is chasing the virus in sanitation

Aggregated data for cases of the emerging coronavirus, showed that the number of infections around the world exceeded 12 million as of Thursday morning.
And the latest data available on the site of "Johns Hopkins University" American, that the total injuries exceeded 12 million and 41 thousand cases.
It also showed that the number of people recovering was close to 6.6 million, while the number of deaths approached 550,000.
The United States leads the world in terms of the number of cases, followed by Brazil, India, Russia, Peru, Chile, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Spain, Iran, Italy, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey.
The United States is also the country with the highest number of deaths, followed by Brazil, the United Kingdom, Italy, Mexico, France and Spain.
It should be noted that there are a number of agencies that provide aggregate data for corona infections around the world, and may have some differences.

A hospital in Florida amid the spread of the Corona virus
America sets a new record
 On the other hand, a statistic told Reuters that the United States recorded more than 60 thousand new cases of Covid-19 disease on Wednesday, which is the highest number of cases recorded by one country in one day.
The United States faces a bleak summer and an increase in injury cases, and many states have had to close part of economic activity again, leaving some workers without salaries.
In addition to nearly 10,000 new cases in Florida, Texas has recorded more than 9,500 infections, California registered more than 8,500 new cases, and the two states also experienced the largest number of deaths due to the virus in one day.
Wednesday was the second day in a row that deaths in the United States had jumped to more than 900, the highest level since early June, according to the statistic.
Tennessee states, West Virginia and Utah saw record daily increases in new cases, and injuries rose in 42 of the 50 states, according to an analysis prepared by Reuters for cases in the past two weeks compared to the previous two weeks.
On Wednesday, the total number of casualties reached 60,020, while a few local governments have not yet reported cases.

The Brazilian president announced that he was infected with the Corona virus
Mexico recorded seven thousand injuries
In Mexico, the Ministry of Health said that on Wednesday, the country set a new record in cases of coronavirus infection in one day, after monitoring 6995 cases, bringing the total number of cases to 275003.
The country also recorded 782 new deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 32,796. The previous record, which Mexico registered last Thursday, after monitoring 6,741 cases.
For its part, the Brazilian Ministry of Health announced that the total number of coronavirus infections in the country exceeded 1.7 million today, Wednesday, and that its total deaths reached 67964.
Ministry data showed that 44,571 new infections and 1,223 deaths were reported in the past 24 hours.
Although he was infected with the virus, and his country recorded the second largest number of cases of the epidemic that killed 66,000 people, the Brazilian President did not renounce his doubts about the seriousness of the disease.
"I'm fine," Bolsonaro, 65, said in a televised interview, after he announced he was HIV positive.
He stated that he was undergoing treatment with azetromycin (an antibiotic) and hydroxychloroquine (referring to the drug that caused the controversy and was adopted by Trump for a period before the WHO concluded that it was ineffective.)

Wastewater ... Do you contribute to the detection of corona?
Italy monitors wastewater
In Italy, Italy's National Institute of Health said on Wednesday that Italy plans to monitor wastewater throughout the country to search for possible signs of a new outbreak of Covid-19 infection.
Italy became one of the countries hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic earlier this year, and to date has recorded 242,149 injuries and 34,914 deaths.
In its first phase beginning this month, the wastewater monitoring project will focus on priority sites such as tourist resorts, and the project will expand in October with a monitoring network that extends to all Italian cities.
Last month, the National Institute of Health reported that scientists found traces of the Corona virus in wastewater with samples taken from Milan and Turin in December 2019, suggesting Covid-19 was already spreading in northern Italy before China reported its first case.
Research in the Netherlands, France, Australia and other countries has found evidence that the virus that causes Covid-19 disease can be detected in wastewater and many countries have begun to take samples of wastewater to track that deadly disease.

 China: 9 injuries
In China, the origin of the virus, health authorities said China had reported nine new cases of coronavirus on the mainland on July 8, compared to seven cases the day before.

According to the Public Health Committee, all new cases are from abroad, and China has detected six patients who did not show symptoms, the same number recorded a day earlier.
