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Bella Hadid attacks Instagram and the latter apologizes for Palestine .. What is the story?

Instagram apologized to the Palestinian-American model Bella Hadid, after accusing her of the platform of "bullying", after the application deleted the story of Bella, which she shared through her official account, and a picture of an expired passport of her father appeared, in which it appears that his hometown is Palestine.

A 23-year-old female model shared a picture last weekend with Bella Hadid writing: "Palestine, Baba's birthplace".

Bella Hadid said that Instagram deleted her story on Instagram: "All that I said" my father and hometown - Palestine "in the image of his American passport."

Bella added, "Instagram, in what exact part of my country are I proud of my father and his birthplace, Palestine, do you consider bullying, harassment, or sexual nudity?"

Bella insisted that the photo be published again via "Instagram", and commented: "Everyone should be able to publish where their parents and mothers were born today! Remind them of how proud you are of where you came from!"

"To protect the privacy of our community, we do not allow the publication of personal information such as Instagram passport numbers. In such a case, the passport number has been withheld so this content should not be removed. We have restored the content and apologized to Bella for this error," a Facebook spokesman said.

Gigi Hadid reposted her sister's Instagram story on her profile in a support show with a "GIF" saying: "Proud". Bella's father, Muhammad, 71, also republished his daughter's Instagram story.
