القائمة الرئيسية


أخبار عاجلة

Pax beats Lakers and climbs to the NBA playoffs

The Milwaukee Bucks became the first to qualify for the playoffs in the NBA, beating the 131-120 on the Los Angeles Lakers on Friday.

Eric Bledso scored a three-pointer three minutes before the end of the game to give the Paco the lead and 15 of the last 17 points.

Blimso scored 31 points and Yianis Antitokombo added 16 points and 15 rebounds to give Pax his seventh consecutive win.

LeBron James scored 31 points and 10 assists.

The last quarter saw a six-point draw and James gave the Lakers their first 118-116 after a three-pointer three minutes and 11 seconds from the end.

But Pax dominated the meeting afterwards to win by nine points.
