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How to delete all Twitter messages and Tweets 2021

Twitter is one of the most famous sites in the world, but from the very beginning, where it is a very popular and popular among users from all over the world, it allows the sharing of pictures and videos with friends as well as text and text messages and easy to share links with them easily is known as a mini-system or Twitter.

Twitter saves the privacy of the user through advanced encryption systems and also prevents the violation of privacy and abuse to others and also provides a range of communication tools such as buttons and admiration comment, where you can comment and respond to the comments of others and also a button to participate and also can share the most beautiful moments with friends and the latest feature added to Twitter Is the direct Alith where the user can participate live and exclusive to see friends with the ability to admire and comment on it.

Sometimes, the user would like to delete Twitter messages and tweets so that he does not want to tell anyone about them. It is the privacy of the user. There are several ways to delete Twitter messages and tweets, but what we would like to notice is that Twitter has not yet provided a direct way to delete messages. Which you do so easily without viewing the user's file and violating the privacy.

Explain how to delete all messages and Twitter Twitter
The user can delete all messages he has made or can choose to delete a particular type of messages such as incoming messages or outgoing messages through simple steps through the sites that provide this service.

1. InboxCleaner

It offers the ability to delete messages and conversations and can delete 200 messages at once. It does not take long to delete messages, and it is easy to work on. When you visit the site, log in to your Twitter account by clicking the Sign in with Twitter button in the blue box To be sent to a Twitter page with a set of instructions and alerts, where you are asked to confirm that you want to install this add, click on the validity of the application with the introduction to show you a new interface like below.
You'll find at the bottom of it as it is shown you a bunch of options:
  1. Delete all messages received and sent.
  2. Delete sent messages only.
  3. Delete received messages only.
Select the nature of the messages you want to delete, then click Delete messages to delete them directly, where you will see a window from the application Press OK and so all messages have been deleted.

2. Mutual Followers

It is a site that allows deleting messages and mensh from Twitter and archive, as well as check the account control and complete management of the Twitter account, and the distinctive that it supports the Arabic language, meaning that the user can handle the Arab easily, and also can delete private messages both received and received and delete the originator and followers provides So a special list.
So when you click on one of the options in the upper picture, you will see a window of its own. For each option a special set of questions, select what you want to delete and click delete the bottom of each box to delete it directly.
And so we have come to the end and hope you will be benefited and thus will delete conversations and messages or complete Facebook or a specific type.
