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Competitive intelligence and decision-making

Competitive intelligence and its impact on the decision-making processes


Competitive intelligence is one of the most important topics that arise in the business world at the moment, and from here led to an increasing number of seminars and training courses as well as workshops, the fact that this specialty of the fastest growing specialties, the concept of competitive intelligence vague concepts, there are many definitions of intelligence and competitive exports are really inaccurate in full, many authors and theorists fail to agree on a single definition .( Ghannay & Mamlouk, 2012) .

The competitive intelligence a double edged sword that was used in a way optimal and non-contrary to the law, he had that big impact and a paradigm shift in the company's business and competitiveness in the investment environment through the development of its products and increase its market share and the ability to expand outside the traditional boundaries, either was used is immoral and illegal led to heavy financial costs and expose the employer to legal accountability and sanctio .

Competitive Intelligence

is a program that worked organizations developed for the collection and analysis of information on the activities of competitors and trends for public sector business to reflect positively on the organization's goals, and is usually collect data from primary sources and secondary, the main objective of the competitive intelligence is to provide information in order to the decision to add value to the organization (Salvador & Casanova,2012)
The importance of competitive intelligence
Lies the importance of competitive intelligence in that it broadens the perspective of the organization, and provides a comprehensive picture enabling them to make critical decisions, and also do a 
prediction deliberate .( Wright & Elsayed & Craig,2009)
The criteria for competitive intelligence have developed slowly but system during the seventies of the last century, and the reason for this is the expansion of companies in different areas of foreign cultures, which accompanied diverse needs of customers, and also increase competition among 
companies . ( Momeni & Mehrafzoon,2013)

The increasing knowledge is a good thing and an important and pay the money to get the knowledge is not a loss, then as companies are not immune from the effects of knowledge (Competitive Intelligence), whether positive or negative, the companies have not exploited to its advantage the competitors use them .( Erickson & Rothberg,2012)

Competitive intelligence and the salesperson

Competitive intelligence impact on the operations of the strategic decision, 
albeit on an individual level as a delegate sales by virtue of the daily dealings and direct with your customers, and this method is one of the most resource effective within the company to gather information, and the data collection process is the same percentage of reliability and quantity is more data . (Douglas& Hughes & Rapp,2012)

Today we need to be smarter competitive system for the collection and analysis of massive data, using network visualization to find out the processes that take place between agents or non-sufficient. The complex network of statistical physics to analyze the development of large networks, and that the important developments in this area that I am contributing to address the obstacles faced by competitive intelligence . (Gay,2012)

Competitive Intelligence vs. Anthropological Approach
Galvin says that Motorola has opened an electronic market in the Japanese market, and that the Japanese respected him through the use of the power of the US government. Intelligence has led  anthropological  to change human behavior through culture and a comprehensive approach and many empirical research, but I did the role of roads anthropological   within the work, especially in the search market has been neglected strategy, which shows that in the era after World War II became a business research more
approach to quantitative methods . (Camilla & Luis,2012)
 Competitive intelligence and economic espionage
Competitive intelligence has become acceptable practitioner in the business world in order to collect information and improve decision-making and investment practices, there is a qualitative leap in the intelligence competitive practices and professionalism of the highest over the past decades, there are many large companies in the United States participated in these practices and put her entire budget large in order to achieve competitive environment . (Richardson &  Luchsinger,2007)
In 1990, problems have occurred in relation to the theft of information or what it considered a few companies to steal intellectual property, which prompted the development of the law fined each of spying in order to steal information or intellectual property fine of up to $ 10 millions  and 15 years in prison. But it cannot be confused with the competitive intelligence and espionage, spying is illegal and immoral, while competitive intelligence it is legal and is linked with a detailed code of ethics. There is also a competitive intelligence professional association, which includes 10,000 member who exchange information on professional practices of competitive intelligence, and also it is an analytical function of the decision- making optimum . (Richardson &  Luchsinger,2007)

Competitive intelligence organization makes decisions taken in various fields leading to its new functions such .

1-Determine who the competitors of a company.
2-Determine what you would like to know about your competitors, also documented data showing the level of the work of your competitor.
3-Organize the organization's sources and devise new strategies to get information on the company can not reach them.
4- Monitor the actions of competitors and transferred continuously to the administration to deal with it appropriately. (Mockler,2001)

The use of competitive intelligence in the field of rail .
Competitive intelligence is a competitive advantage for companies as it provides to the owners and managers of corporate information, and within this information as follows :
Information about the prices offered by competitors, the percentage of discounts they offer, the terms agreed upon in the contracts, product specifications, where you buy competitors goods and at what price, the market share to competitors ratio, what are the competitors' plans, the reputation of competitors in the market and suppliers who deal with them, and they are partners competitors, and what type of advertising they use . ( Gaidelys & Dailydka, 2013)

That the targets of intelligence competitive is an early warning to companies in order to prevent dangers that can affect market share, sales ratio and the size of profitability in the medium and long term, as well as the reputation of these companies, what is a significant impact on reducing risk in client decision-making, and Batalli development strategies and tactics for the survival of the company in the competitive investment atmosphere . (Valeriu,2014)
The success of competitive intelligence agents
1- Top management support and participation
Is supported by the senior management of one of the main factors that lead to the success of competitive intelligence, must be committed to the investigation of the senior management fully and information operations has been delegated these powers by the Board of Directors .  (Kahaner said in 1996, Ghannay &  Mamlouk, 2012)
2-Effective competitive intelligence must go beyond what is clear by careful readers of articles and publications, as well as examining the reports carefully industrial and business meetings, which form the basis of the effectiveness of the application of this intelligence . (Gilad,1989)

Competitive Intelligence Professionals Association put strict code of conduct which prohibits the employer from violating the laws set forth, and abuse of the self, the following items of Assembly :
Increased recognition of the information collected and respect for professional work, obey all laws imposed, whether domestic or international, finding relevant information is very thorough, to avoid conflicts in the field of information and communication technology, adhering faithfully and maintain a commitment to policies and guidelines . (Hemphill,2002)


In light of the foregoing that the intelligence competitive him that big impact and is important to the company's growth and expansion and its ability to compete in the global and domestic markets and advance to predict the needs of the market and competitors' plans for the future and contemporary approach to the markets, under the age of globalization and openness to global markets has become a presence IQ competitive with the very companies the importance and the source of permanence that was used in the correct moral and legal, and considered competitive intelligence competitive advantage in itself provide companies huge sums to accomplish and keep pace with all that is new and modern techniques and devices sophisticated technological help in the search for information and sources that it considers the company's mission and value .


Ghannay,j, Mamlouk,z(2012), Synergy Between Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management - a key for Competitive Advantage, Literature review, Vol. 2 Issue 2, p23-34.
Salvador,M, Casanova,L(2012), Applying Competitive Intelligence: The Case of Thermoplastics Elastomers, Competitive Intelligence Methodology, Vol. 2 Issue 3, p41-47.
Wright,S, Elsayed R,& Craig S(2009) ,Competitive intelligence in practice: empirical evidence from the UK retail banking sector, defining the scope of competitive intelligence, Vol. 25 Issue 910, p941-964. 24p.
Momeni,A, Mehrafzoon,M(2013), Critical Factors of Competitive Intelligence in the Power Plant Industry: The Case Study of MAPNA Group, literature review, Vol. 3 Issue 1, p31-43.
Erickson,S, Rothberg,H(2012), Balancing Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence, Initial Insights, Background, Vol. 2 Issue 2, p15-22.
Douglas E, Hughes,j,& Rapp,A(2012), Gaining and leveraging customer-based competitive intelligence: the pivotal role of social capital and salesperson adaptive selling skills, Conceptual foundation,Vol. 41 Issue 1, p91-110.   
Gay,B(2012), Competitive Intelligence and Complex Systems, Introduction, Vol. 2 Issue 2, p5-14.
Camilla, H, Luis, A(2013), Does Competitive Intelligence Matter? An Anthropological Way of Thinking, Competitive Intelligence vs. Anthropological Approach, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p76-84.
Richardson,L, Luchsinger,V(2007), Strategic Marketing Implications In Competitive Intelligence And  The Economic Espionage Act Of 1996, Competitive Intelligence, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p41-45.
Mockler,J(2001), Strategic Intelligence Systems: Competitive intelligence systems to support the management strategy decision, The increasing importance of competitive intelligence systems,vol.57,issue1,p4-6.
Gaidelys,V, Dailydka,S(2013), the potentials for using of methods of competitive intelligence in the sector of railways, . The application of the methods of competitive intelligence in the sector of railways, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p256-262.
Valeriu,I(2014), competitive intelligence analysis-scenarios method, Competitive Intelligence, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p331-340.

Gilad,B(1989), The Role of Organized Competitive Intelligence in Corporate Strategy, Organized intelligence: a three-pronged strategy, 24 Issue 4, p29-35.
Hemphill,A(2002), Oracle vs. Microsoft: Corporate Espionage or Competitive Intelligence?, Defining Competitive Intelligence, Vol. 107 Issue 4, p501-511.
