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How to keep the phone battery healthy and prolong its life

When you have a mobile phone or something you want is to maintain the battery as mobile phones have spread very widely among users, and become an integral part of our lives, they are used to communicate and chat and send messages and surf the Internet and visit sites and pages and many more in all areas, but The user is faced with the problem that the mobile phone battery is implemented quickly and has to be shipped several times a day, and wants to solve this problem, in this article we will provide you the best applications used to improve mobile phone battery and prolong life and also you will find some guidance and special alerts.

The way to preserve the battery of the mobile phone and prolong life and rational consumption
There are some alerts and tips that every user should take into account and pay attention to them, which contribute significantly to maintaining the battery and prevent the mobile phone running out quickly.

  1. Reduce lighting and sound It is more energy consumption, you reduce the brightness of the screen by going to the settings broke through the screen, to appear many options Press the brightness icon and to show you the bar light increase the light, you can by dragging the list of alerts drop down and select the brightness and select it to be To the lowest level.
  2. Do not use mobile backgrounds or high-quality and bright, as it works to exhaust the battery very quickly, either if you use the screen supports the AMLAD system, choose black backgrounds because it consumes less energy up to seven times the screen moving.
  3. Turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS if you do not need it, because it works on power consumption.
  4. Do not follow the full and full discharge policy Always avoid the battery completely, especially lithium batteries, which is characterized by the fact that the more energy consumed and fully recharged, it is longer life, unlike other batteries that require full discharge and incomplete charge.
  5. Turn off the vibration feature and use only the ringing tone, as well as the media sounds that do not need to be closed.
  6. Shut down applications that are running in the background and do not need them, by pressing the Applications View button is the left button of the three main buttons in the list, to find applications running in the background Drag them to the left to be closed.
  7. Cool the battery when the temperature is high especially when surfing the internet and work intensively for a long period on the phone, avoid leaving the show device to direct sunlight.
  8. Avoid using unnecessary features in the phone such as running the flash as a long-lasting light, as it quickly discharges the battery and the repetition of the process causes the battery to be damaged and shortened.
  9. Use the appropriate battery charger and the type of the device, and do not leave the battery for a long time in the charger after fully charged and avoid overcharging which causes damage to the battery.

The way to conserve your mobile phone battery through applications
There are many specialized applications for Androids that improve battery power and efficiency by eliminating applications that operate in the background and that pull power significantly and also increase the battery life through modern technology.

Battery Doctor
Is one of the most popular and widespread applications in the world, you can hardly find a mobile phone not found, because of the ability to prolong the life of the battery and give you a correct reading of the remaining time of the battery and can also stop the applications running in the background, which gives you a longer time to work on the phone and also Monitors charging and lengthens battery life.

Download and install the app on your mobile phone and turn it on. To show you the main interface like the below, click the Optimize Now option to check the phone, stop applications, and extend the battery life for as long as possible.

 DU Battery Saver

Is one of the outstanding applications of the mobile phone, which maintains the battery of the mobile phone and ensure the survival of the longest possible time through the disposal of applications and control the charging process and allows you to control the network and data and brightness and shows you the remaining time of the battery to access accurately and displays the temperature of the battery and voltage and capacity and other details .

Download the application on your mobile phone and turn it on to show you an interface such as below showing you the time remaining for energy and with many other tools such as accelerator and follow-up tool and intelligence to improve power consumption Click on Optimize option to examine the applications and know who consumes energy to close it and therefore you will notice lengthening Battery life.

Battery HD

Is a great program that has been admired by many users. It helps you get a long battery life by providing detailed battery and consumption reports and monitoring the battery so that you decide for yourself how to conserve energy and give you an accurate reading of the remaining time before the power goes out.

Install the phone on your mobile phone and turn it on to show you an interface such as below shows you how long the battery is left if you continue in the current mode and the remaining status of the battery if it is in standby mode and you will find below some information such as battery time remaining when listening to music and browsing Internet, make calls, talk and watch video.

 Battery App

Is a different application that other applications not only shut down the applications, but also reports and details about the state of the battery and consumption, as well as temperature, voltage, technology and others to determine the time to use the battery itself and leave time and choose the standby mode and the wonderful feature that it provides accurate reading of the remaining time of the battery when it expires .

And so we have reached the end and hope that the explanation has earned your admiration and that you will benefit and carry the application that you see fit and keep your battery and abide by alerts and guidance to get a sound battery.
