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Facebook Register New Facebook and Login

Facebook is the best and most popular social networking site in the world, because of its ease of communication and convenience. You can share pictures, videos, GIF animations, friends' links, chat conversations, voice calls and free video calls. About friends anywhere in the world, as well as getting to know new friends and staying in constant contact with them.
Find out more about Facebook and what it offers
Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg when he was a student at Harvard University. He then went on to develop and improve the quality of service provided and people who can access the site and communicate with friends. Billion users from all over the world, the highest proportion of all other sites and the site follows the same Facebook company
Facebook has expanded significantly, not only people, but companies and public and private institutions can enter the site, and create a page of its own to suit the type of activity, marketing and selling easily, through it to become a full community of all individuals and institutions, Users have provided you with the most advanced communication methods. You enjoy high-quality, high-quality video calls and clarity, as well as high levels of security that protect your privacy and personal data and ensure that you stay away from hackers and hackers.

Facebook was launched initially for computers, has a user interface practical and simple can be understood and dealt with even for the novice user for the first time, where the posts of friends and the bottom of the three buttons expressing your admiration and Rik where you can share with others, and friends can reply to your comment and in case You are the publisher. Others can place comments on postings and you can reply to them. They also have a collection of posters, emoji and emoji that you use to respond to others' posts, and also use them in conversations to make them more fun and realistic to express your situation more accurately.
With the proliferation of mobile phones and tablets Android and iPhone and iPad Facebook has launched a special application suitable for each type of devices, allowing the user to enter directly to Facebook and communicate and chat with friends, and provides a user interface that fits the mobile screen, A lot of uploads and user admiration, and you can receive alerts and alerts on your phone and respond to all easy, and was the most important Facebook applications on phones in the service of live broadcast.

Services provided by Facebook 

  1. Connect with friends from anywhere in the world and meet new friends.
  2. Share photos, videos, and animations with them.
  3. Make free text chat calls.
  4. High-quality video and audio calls.
  5. Share an exclusive, live video stream with friends and see their comments and respond directly.
  6. Security protects your privacy and personal data.
  7. You can market and sell your products and create a special page to suit your type of activity.
  8. It offers a funded advertising service where it reaches the largest audience for a low amount of money.
  9. Alerts and alerts you directly and responds to them.
  10. Easy to use and different versions available for mobile phones.

                  Sign up for Facebook

                  Facebook registration is easy, very simple and does not take long to start. Go to one of the following links to access the Facebook account creation page.
                  Where you will see an interface such as below asking for some details and private data, which will be saved and will be able to anyone other than to see them, enter the required data correctly and then click Create account.

                  After that you have to pass the security test by writing the text appearing in front of you correctly and when you enter it click on the registration to show you a three-step interface through which to enter more clear information about you so that friends can reach you and find friends who are similar and fit with you to find you easily and when you finish Select your avatar.
                  After that you will receive a activation message on your e-mail you entered at the beginning of the registration Go to find a message with the activation link Click on it to complete the process of creating the account in Facebook and can now communicate with friends and chat with them Enjoy.
