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Download Yahoo Mail for Android, iPhone and iPad 2021

Yahoo Mail is Yahoo's official application for accessing email via Android, iPhone and iPad devices, allowing them to access their inbox and reply to email messages and organize them with easy and easy options.
Answer your emails and organize them with Yahoo Mail via your mobile phone
Yahoo is considered one of the best and oldest companies in the world to offer e-mail service so that the person can send e-mail to all the people in the world in a few seconds. Receive and reply to messages, send messages over his phone, check their email anytime and anywhere with ease, and offer a range of organizing options that make it easy to use.
The application also lets you know the messages received in your inbox from other email accounts such as Gmail, AOL, AOL, AOL, etc., send messages, attachments, photos, videos, documents and email attachments without any hurdles. In all messages, you will not expect to delete technical messages to receive new messages. The storage service it provides is cloud storage and thus access to messages at any time and anywhere.
Yahoo! Mail is easy to use and work on, so you can search to access messages through smart search. You can easily find messages, contacts, files and images, and you can choose a theme or template to change the email format through a variety of backgrounds and colors, You can change the text color of your e-mail box to give a new look that suits your personal taste, and avoid the feeling of repetition and boredom.
You can manage and organize messages. For example, you can delete or delete e-mails in multiple ways by specifying them as well as arranging messages and creating drafts for sending later. You can send GIF animations and the coolest feature. You can access your accounts in Google and Outlook, To block spam, it's easy to operate and light on your mobile phone.

Yahoo Mail Features

    1. Log in to your account and send and receive emails.
    2. You can switch accounts.
    3. It can receive messages from Gmail and Hotmail.
    4. You can manage, move, and delete messages.
    5. You can send attachments with the message such as pictures and documents.
    6. Easy to use and very light on mobile phone.
    7. Provides up to 1000GB of cloud storage.
    8. It has filtering filtering messages and making sure it's safe.
    9. You can change the background, theme and selection from the set of templates and backgrounds.

                    General Summary

                    Yahoo Mail is the official application for users of Android devices and iPhone and iPad access to their email in Yahoo, and send and receive messages, whether on any other email service such as Hotmail, Gmail, ALO and others, and gives you the possibility to customize the appearance and the inbox through a set of backgrounds, The ability to send messages, send pictures, documents and mobile images, manage messages, and save up to a terabyte of storage space. For a laptop.

                    Technical Details

                    Android: Yahoo Mail 4.9.2
                    شاهد أيضا

                    iPhone & iPad: Yahoo Mail 4.13
                    Android, iPhone & iPad
                    Producing company
                    Download size
                    Android: 15.19MB
                    iPhone & iPad: 218MB
