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Download: Google Chrome 2021 for free

Google Chrome 2021 free download

Google Chrome 2018 is the first Internet browser in the world is characterized by its strength and speed of navigation provided by Google Google is the most integrated with Google search engine and has a lot of additions to make it as desired by the user.

Google Chrome web browser address the simplicity and speed of browsing safely
Google Chrome is one of the best services provided by Google Google, as the browser was produced to suit users and provide better and easier to browse, the company is known for the high quality of services provided by, to launch this wonderful browser for free users to get a fast and secure browsing, Very popular, you hardly find a user who does not use the browser on his computer, thanks to you will get the ideal browsing as long as he wanted.

The browser provides a smooth and easy navigation, where you can search through the search box to show you the suggestions before typing what you want and choose what you will be looking for, and also displays the searches of sites you have previously made, to ensure easy access and return, thanks to the auto-fill feature to complete the results It also offers a lot of features to get in return 600 million downloads with expectations to skip the one billion downloads.

Google Chrome is one of the most secure browsers, so it can fill the gaps in the network to prevent the infiltration of viruses, which can be used by hackers to enter and control the computer, to prevent the seizure of your computer through it, and also when you visit a suspicious page or a site Alert and warn you to block access to it, thus preserving your privacy and preventing violation, and also performs an automatic security update to ensure that it remains safe and the base of girls is strong and up-to-date.

It also has the ability to open several tabs and the new year with the ability to move between them easily, and also has the technologies that make it work more integrated with the search engine Google to work with him in unison, and also provides the possibility of creating a list of favorite sites to access them easily, and an automatic update to provide the latest features and issuance available to achieve high performance.

Enjoy the easiest and fastest browsing and translation of sites and pages into your own language
Google Chrome preserves user privacy and prevents hackers from accessing its activity by providing hidden browsing mode so that it does not store any search or visit. It also allows you to permanently delete your browsing history or select specific sites and delete them, and also can integrate with any antivirus program It allows the user to access social networking sites and other famous sites by providing them with icons, as well as saving their user name and passwords.

The browser has a special download program to download the files, so the user enriches the installation of an external download program, and features a high speed in the download, and provides a window showing downloads and download speed and the size of the download of the total size, and can be managed such as stop and resume download and cancel and locate Save the file, and also lets you do a synchronization, meaning that you can complete browsing, visiting favorite sites, importing pages and bookmarks from any computer and your PC on your own.
Google Chrome provides quick access to Google services directly, and also ensures the survival of the continuous browsing, for example, if there was a sudden outage of power or the wrong exit of the program, it provides the resumption of the stopped and restored the pages of the previous session, and provides a tool to prevent pop-up ads and annoying to provide browsing Comfortable and unobtrusive, and supports about 53 different languages ​​including Arabic and has a very great feature that can translate pages into your own language or any other language.

It also has a very practical and stylish interface with the ability to customize such as the possibility to change the appearance and shape of the browser, through a set of templates provided by the store, and also can be made as desired by the user, and also provides a wide range of additions that can be added to the browser to make it more integrated, The search engine will select the title of the homepage and title tabs, and the interface and fonts can be enlarged to a rate of up to 500% which is very high and can be minimized.

Google Chrome features
  1. Provides fast browsing and security.
  2. He can search through the address box.
  3. Alert the user when going to a suspicious page.
  4. Provides appeal from where you left off when a sudden shutdown of the browser.
  5. Provides translation of pages that are not user language.
  6. It has a stylish and simplified user interface.
  7. Can create favorites list for websites.
  8. Saves passwords and user name for sites that request it.
  9. Pages can be enlarged to 500%.
  10. Provides a wide range of add-ons.
  11. The template and interface can be customized and changed.
  12. It has a download manager to download files through it quickly.
  13. Sites and browsing history can be synchronized.
  14. Provides hidden browsing mode.
  15. Automatic update.
  16. Light and easy to use.
  17. Supports many different languages.

General Summary
Google Chrome 2018 the best and fastest browser on the Internet, has a lot of add-ons from the store, which makes the browser more integrated and fast and provides fast browsing and security and alerts the user when visiting a suspicious site or a browser and also provides hidden browsing mode to give the user privacy and easy and easy to use does not cause Slow computer, supports translation of pages into many languages ​​and supports Arabic and English, and can enlarge and reduce the pages in varying degrees, now download the first program globally and enjoy the best and easier to browse, which you have always wanted.

Technical Details


Google Chrome 2021

Windows 10, 8, 7

Developing company

Download size


