القائمة الرئيسية


أخبار عاجلة

Create a new account and sign in to the Sarahah

Overnight, the site became very popular, and became the most popular monthly among Arab users. It came with a unique idea. You can know the opinions and opinions of others without revealing their names or identities. It is a site dedicated to constructive criticism. It helps users to communicate with each other. Their opinion freely, with the emphasis on not to hurt their feelings, and has made many satellite channels and sites to write about him because of its positive benefits.

Sarahah was founded in November 2016 by a young Saudi named Zine El Abidine Tawfiq, in order to bring the point of view between presidents and subordinates, through criticism in every secret to improve performance better, but then took a different direction and became a lot of funny stories , Which Sarahah states that it preserves the privacy of the user does not appear the name of the person who made the comment and share his opinion, you will send the message anonymously.

There is some information that there is a possibility to identify the person who sent the message, but the engineers of the site expressly denied it, and stressed that there is no room for identification and through the experiences of users proved that this is not available to penetrate the privacy and know the person who sent the message, and easy to work on it, Alerts and alerts that a message has been sent to you from your friend and followers from all over the world, and people can not provide you with any link to show your opinion and criticism or joke.

How to create an account and register in Sarahah 

You can create a private account in an open and get a personal page of your own, and the followers can enter and criticize you or a laugh or that you do so, and the advantage of the process of creating the account simply and easily, initially go to the registration page of Sarahah to show you an interface such as that below, Request some information that will be kept confidential.

  • Email: Enter your email in Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail.
  • Password: Enter a special password to enter Sarahah  and be careful to be easy to remember for you and can not remember others.
  • Rewrite the password again to confirm.
  • Sub-link: Type your name in English without leaving a blank in the link box.
  • Type your family name.
  • Choose your avatar that others can recognize from you.
  • Tick ​​in the notifications box.
  • Press Record.
  • By completing these steps you will have a new account at Sarahah, so you can now criticize others and get others to see you.
