Whether you are a new mother or have already given birth to a baby, you will be asked a lot about breastfeeding, how many times have you been breastfed and how to know if your child is getting enough milk. The newborn should be breastfed 8-12 times a day for approximately one month. If you feel that you are feeding your baby more than another child depends on formula milk, this may be true, because breast milk is easier to digest than formula milk, which means that it moves faster in your child's digestive system and therefore your child starves faster than the baby. Which depends on formula milk.
Number of lactation times
Repeated breastfeeding will help stimulate milk production in the first few weeks. When the child is 1-2 months old, he will need to breastfeed 7-9 times a day.
Before giving your child formula milk, breastfeeding should be on demand (ie when the child is hungry), which is usually every 1-3 hours. As the child grows older, the doses will decrease and there may be a regular schedule for breastfeeding. Some mothers breastfeed their babies every 90 minutes, while some mothers breastfeed their babies every 2-3 hours. But it should not take more than 4 hours for newborns to be fed, even during the night.
Is the number of lactation times calculated from the time the child starts breastfeeding or the time he stops breastfeeding?
The periods between feeds are calculated from the time the child begins to take the feed and is not yet finished. This means that when the doctor asks you how many times the child feeds, you can say about every two hours. This means that the first feeding started, for example, at 6 am. The next feeding was at about 8 am, And so on.
This means that at first you will feel that you are breastfeeding your baby around the clock and this is perfectly normal. As the child grows, the number of feeds will decrease and the situation will become easier.
How can I tell if my baby is ready to breastfeed?
It is better for the mother to feed the newborn baby whenever he is hungry. Crying is a sign of hunger. So you have to feed the child before he feels hungry because if he is very disturbed it will be difficult to calm him down.
However, it is also important to realize that every time your child cries, it is not necessary to be hungry. Sometimes the baby may need to embrace or change the diaper. It can be overly sad, bored or feel extreme heat or cold. Signs of child hunger include:
Their heads move from side to side.
They open their mouths.
They hold their tongues.
They put their hands and the grip of their hands in their mouths.
They move their lips as if they will suck the mother's breasts.
See what the benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby are
Always watch the signs that your child is full. (Sucking slowly or not, or moving away from the breast).
How long does it take to feed?
This depends on mother and child and many other factors such as:
Milk flow is fast or slow.
The baby is sleeping or leaves the nipple easily.
The reversal of the drop (which causes the milk to flow out of the nipple) is immediate or takes a few minutes of initiation.
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It may take about 5-10 minutes on each side for the older child, while the newborn will feed for 20 minutes on each breast.
How often should I help my baby to burp during breastfeeding and during the number of lactation times?
When you move the baby between the breasts try to make your child burp. Helping the child to burp make him eat better and help him get rid of colic and excess gases.
How do I know if my child has had enough food during the number of lactation times?
New mothers often worry that their children do not get enough to eat. So you can rest assured that your child is eating enough if:
Looks satisfied after eating.
It changes about 4-6 diapers daily.
He has a normal bowel movement.
Sleeps well.
Gain weight.
What is the interpretation of breastfeeding in the dream?
Signs of inadequate access to the child include:
He does not seem satisfied after taking the bite.
It seems very hungry.
Does not change a lot of diapers a day.
Crying so much.
Do not gain weight.
Nipple swelling due to lactation and treatment
If you are worried or feel that your child is not eating enough, contact your doctor to see the child and try to overcome the condition.
How does a newborn diaper look like?
Baby diapers are a wonderful indicator that a baby gets enough milk. Your baby may change one or two diapers in the first 24 hours.
Your newborn's stools are thick and then become green when you enter the milk, which is usually 3-4 weeks of birth. The higher the number of lactations, the more diapers it changes.
My child is more hungry than usual, despite the number of lactation times, is this normal?
As the child weighs up, the child begins to eat more food at each meal and the length of the meal increases. However, there are times when you feel that your child is more hungry than normal when he is young.
This period is called a growth boom and is a period that the child goes through and that may occur at any time. But in the first few months it happens as follows:
From 7-14 days after delivery.
Two months after birth.
4 months after delivery.
6 months after delivery.
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During these times, whenever your child looks hungry, you may need to temporarily increase the number of lactation times.
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